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The big challenge:getting to know other cultures

The big challenge:getting to know other cultures
Click on the book: Hakuna matata

Welcome to all my students

Hi guys! I´m writing this short message just to let you know that I really hope you enjoy this site as much as I enjoy keeping it updated. I hope that all the information and activities you can find here will succesfully take you not only to improve your linguistic competence in English, but also to a better understanding of the world. Please, don't forget that learning improves fluency but never mind how many mistakes you may make, our main goal is COMMUNICATION

MOTHER EARTH'S CORNER ( click on the pic)

MOTHER EARTH'S CORNER ( click on the pic)
The more you care about Mother Earth, the more you can experience real LIFE


give peace a chance

Fancy a virtual visit to the History of the World?

Get information of valuable ancient objects from all over the world in videos or texts

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You look Japanese

Crazy Maths!!!

Haiku verse for Spring

In the mountain range
Wind makes trees sway back and forth
During spring time.

If you want to read more, have a look in this link: